Monday, September 29, 2008

Google Groups

It seems that the best way to notify everyone of the updates here is to create a "Google Group."  So that's why you've all gotten the invitation to join ART-Outfitters Group.  It lets Google know that you are all receiving our notices by choice and not by spam.  Let's hope it works!  If you haven't gotten an invitation, let us know your email address.  We'd love to have you in our group!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plein Air Enthusiasts

Carl Judson from Guerrilla Painter was a fine example to our Central Arkansas plein air painters.  His curiosity was piqued by a Yarnell's billboard stating "Woo Pig Chewy," which he painted using his 9x12 Guerrilla Easel.  We tried to explain the Arkansas Razorback cheer.  This may do it better, Carl:  
YouTube - Phoebe Calling the Hogs  Speaking of 9x12 Guerrilla Easel, Carl also drew a name from the hat, and our door prize was won by David Cook, the local plein air paint out organizer extordinaire.  Congratulations, Dave.

Now for news of traveling Arkansan plein air painters: Catch Jane Holt painting in the wild - a city square in Santa Fe.  Notice Jane has her handy dandy ART Outfitters tote bag.  

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shop Dogs!

Billy, the ART Outfitters shop dog, is proud to introduce his new little sister, Cricket. Billy has been in the store since June 2007. His birth parents are Shih-Tzu and Jack Russell Terrier. Cricket was born a Yorkshire Terrier. Her parents were both about 3 lbs. Cricket has a unique walk due to being born with a small front limb. Just don't tell her she has a disability. She wants to do everything big brother does!